Activist Toolkit has collaborated with community partners to build a comprehensive voter guide for the April 4, 2023 elections in Forest Park.  Each candidate was given the opportunity to complete a questionnaire developed by members of the Forest Park community.

The sections linked below allow voters to explore individual candidates' websites and social media accounts, as well as links to relevant articles, video from candidate forums, and any relevant campaign financial disclosures.

This guide will be updated with additional content as it appears. Please contact us here with questions or concerns.

[Updated 3/21/2023]


John Doss | Rory Hoskins


Joseph 'Joe' Landgrebe | Maria A. Maxham | Michelle Melin-Rogovin | Ryan C. Nero | Ryan R. Russ | Jessica Voogd

FOREST PARK PARK DISTRICT board 4 year term (2 open seats)

Cathleen M. McDermott | Roy J. Sansone

FOREST PARK PARK DISTRICT board 2 year term (1 open seat)

Timothy E. Gillian

District 91 school board, 4 year term (3 open seats)

Monica Angelo | Shannon Wood | Monique Cotton Yancy

District 91 school board, 2 year term (1 open seat)

Al-Fuquan Brooks

District 209 school board (3 open seats)

Maribel Aguirre | Jennifer Wenzel Barbahen | Sandra Lee Hixson | Jayda James
Theresa L. Kelly | Jon Kubricht | Claudia Medina | David Ocampo

Betty Alzamora, Nick Ardinger, Amy Binns-Calvey, Carollina Song, and Michelle Woerhle contributed to the candidate questionnaires for Forest Park.